These small-scale solutions don’t take up much real estate on your pedalboard, leaving room for—you guessed it, more pedals!

Let’s Get Small!
Short on space? Turns out a lot of musicians might be in the same position, given the rise in popularity of mini guitar pedals. If your pedalboard is bursting at the seams with stompboxes but you’re still itching to add some new sound creation tools to your arsenal, mini effects pedals might just be the way to do it. We’re a huge fan of mini pedals, and there are a lot of great options out there.
The World’s Smallest Effects Pedal???
But what if you want to get reeeeeaaaally tiny?
Then we might just have the pedal for you. We’re Olinthus, and we make Cicada—the smallest effects pedal on the planet. Cicada is about the same size as a 9-volt battery. Not much larger than a guitar pick!

We took the world’s most iconic overdrive sounds and stuffed them inside the smallest effects pedal ever created. Cicada may be minuscule, but it has more than enough might to fatten your tones and give new energy to every sound wave you throw at it.

Is A Mini Effects Pedal This Small Actually Useful?
We’re very aware that an overdrive pedal this tiny is a bit ridiculous. But by challenging our notions of what an effects pedal has to be, a new world of possibilities opened up that we never expected. Turns out, making it small also makes it pretty awesome.
No matter how little space you have, there’s always room for the huge overdriven sounds of Cicada. Its small size allows it to be placed where no pedal has gone before.
Running out of room on your pedalboard?
No need to kick other pedals off your board—Cicada fits in the smallest open spaces in your rig. You can even place it on top of another pedal.

Want to get weird?
Stick Cicada on the side of your guitar. No space left in your Eurorack setup? Drop Cicada right on top of your modular rig.

How Does A Pedal This Small Even Work?
How do I turn it on? There is no footswitch!
The whole pedal is the switch. It’s hinged at the top. Press below the knobs to turn it on. Press again to turn it off. And yes, you can press it with your foot if you’d like.
How do I connect it to my rig? There’s only one jack!
Cicada comes with a breakout cable that provides 1/4” input, 1/4” output, and a jack for 9V power. Pro tip: If you’re using Cicada on a Pedaltrain® pedalboard, you can easily hide the breakout cable and your connections under the board.

Ok, I Want One!
If all of this sounds intriguing, you can purchase Cicada direct from us. It’s available for $99 US, and we ship worldwide.
We’re also hard at work on many other ultra-tiny effects pedals. Coming soon are the world’s smallest fuzz pedal, reverb pedal, delay pedal, and a tiny pedal board for all of them. Stay tuned!
If you’d like to learn more about Cicada, check out our overview video below, or head on over to the Cicada product page.
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